Our Terms of Service
Our job is to provide quality engine builds to rotary enthusiasts, details matter, we are rotary experts
Rotary Engine Experts
Let’s Build a Rotary Engine for you.
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Terms of Service
REspeed llc | Rotary Engine Shop
REspeed llc is a engine building shop focused on Rotary Engines (but not limited to);
When you choose our shop, this is what to expect:
We offer engine rebuilding services along with components outside the engine block should you drop off your car (vs. just rebuilding the engine).
Our estimates are based on your expectations and the market prices of parts and labor. Should prices go up during the process we will add them to your billing and notify you of the changes. We do not give exact pricing on initial estimates, more parts / labor, more money.
Remove / Rebuild / Replace engine and components is based on experience with increase of 20% acceptable if labor is beyond normal book hours, we will communicate all actions as they happen to keep you informed.
Our testing, measuring of existing engine / parts will have impact on the overall cost of repairs/replacement. Our job is to deliver a running engine based on OEM specifications. We do our best to ensure quality performance when you pick up the vehicle, that includes test driving and testing of assembled engine / parts.
If parts removed from your engine / vehicle are found to be out of OEM spec, you will be notified and this addition to your overall work / billing will be added.
All vehicles are to be paid in full before the customer picks up the vehicle.
We do not have ample space to store vehicles that are not actively being worked on in our shop or on the premises. If we need to store your vehicle for any reason (waiting for parts, etc based on our judgment) we will forward all costs to you and expect full payment before picking up the vehicle. This rarely happens as we move through projects within acceptable time limits.
Warranty is based on the following: All parts purchased through REspeed llc are warrantied for 90 days along with manufacturer’s warranty.
There is no warranty on customer supplied parts.
We reserve the right to reject parts supplied by customer if they are deemed inadequate for the application. Any parts not on our approved list will be added with no warranty of performance. Please do not ask for discounts.
If for any reason a discount is applied, there is no warranty. There is no warranty on racing / off road vehicle parts / services for race vehicles or those used on track days.
Once you agree to our work (verbally or in writing) and pay a deposit there is no refund. We purchase parts after deposits and do not offer payment plans.
Our goal is to provide quality repairs & performance for a market fair price. All pricing is subject to change without notice based on market conditions.
It is up to the customer to make sure they have access to the funds before starting any rebuild / project with REspeed llc.
Once a deposit is made, you the paying customer agree to the following: I hereby authorize the above repair work be done along with necessary materials (parts & labor). All pricing is based upon current market conditions and is agreed upon. We will inform you if pricing is beyond a 20% increase.
You and your employees / staff / workers may operate the above vehicle for the purpose of testing, inspection or delivery at my risk. All road going vehicles must be insured / licensed properly with the state it is titled in by the owner.
An express mechanic's lien is acknowledged on the above vehicle to secure the amount of the repairs thereto. Any vehicle left without payment in full for more than 3 days is subject to legal action to obtain title (according to the state of Colorado regarding vehicles left unpaid or abandoned).
It is up to the customer to understand and acknowledge that we will communicate verbally or in writing our agreement for pricing, parts and labor.
Failure to notify us of any changes does not constitute an agreement on our part unless we send back to you acknowledging the changes via writing / email. We use email exclusively because then we have a record of our conversation(s) for both customer and shop to agree on what the project entails. We do not use text, facebook messenger or any other social platform for business communication.
Please ask questions if you do not understand any of the above.